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In recent years, as health awareness has increased, many people have begun to discover the health hazards of "sugar", which can accelerate aging, cause obesity, and even high blood cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, endocrine disorders, etc., but still can not resist the sweet temptation, so many companies began to launch many sugar substitutes drinks, desserts, focusing on low calories, but also enjoy the sweet taste, especially under the call for sugar reduction, so that "sugar substitutes" gradually attracted attention. But sugar substitutes and sweeteners are really a good choice to replace sugar?

1. What is sugar substitute?

Sugar substitutes, also known as sweeteners, as the name implies, are substitutes for sugar, and there are many different kinds and have the characteristics of sweetness and low calorie. Nowadays, there are many drinks that claim to be "zero-cal". As long as the calorie content is less than 5 calories per 100 ml, the product can be labeled as "zero calorie".

Sugar substitutes can be divided by source into the following two types.

*Natural sources: Stevia, Mongroside and sugar alcohols such as Erythritol, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Maltitol, etc.

*Synthetic: Saccharin, Neotame, Aspartame, etc.
In fact, sugar substitutes can be divided into two major categories: nutritive sweeteners and non-nutritive sweeteners, depending on whether they have calories or not.

*Nutritional sweeteners: Although they produce calories, the amount of calories per gram is lower than that of sucrose, about 2 to 3 calories, and the common ones are xylitol, sorbitol, and erythritol, which are often added to chewing gum or other foods.

*Non-nutritive sweeteners: sugar substitutes that do not produce calories after consumption, also known as artificial sweeteners, are developed by laboratories, and are usually tens or hundreds of times sweeter than sucrose, such as the earliest sweetener saccharin and often heard of aspartame belongs to this category, commonly used in candies, drinks, snacks and other flavoring.

Currently, the following artificial sweeteners are commonly available on the market.

Saccharin: a non-caloric, synthetic sweetener, 300 times sweeter than sucrose, is not metabolized by decomposition and can be excreted directly from the urine. Saccharin is heat stable and is approved for use in carbonated beverages and preserves.
2. Sweet essence: no heat, synthetic sweetener, sweetness is 30 times that of sucrose, there have been animal experiments found that excessive intake of fear of kidney failure, hypophosphatasia, dermatitis, often used in melon seeds, candied fruit and other products.
Aspartame: no heat, synthetic sweetener, sweetness is 150 to 200 times that of sucrose, can be used in all kinds of food, but heating will make the loss of sweetness, so it is not recommended to use in the need for prolonged heating and baking food, mainly for cold drinks. It is worth noting that it should be avoided by patients with phenylketonuria.
4. Potassium Ace-K: No heat, 200 times sweeter than sucrose, heat stable, can be used in various foods in appropriate amounts.
5. Sucralose: non-caloric, 600 times sweeter than normal cane sugar, heat does not affect sweetness, and can be used in various foods.

As for sweeteners of more natural origin, the common ones are

Stevia: Extracted from herbs of the Asteraceae family, it is 200-300 times sweeter than sucrose and has almost negligible calories.
2. Erythritol: also known as erythritol, exists in many fruits (grapes, pears, etc.), mostly as a low-calorie sweetener and flavor enhancer in food additives, the sweetness of erythritol is 70% of sucrose, with extremely low calorie production, about 0.4 calories per gram, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Union and Japan even allow it to be labeled as 0 calories per gram, which can be said to have almost no calories.
3. Sorbitol: also known as sorbitol, has a fresh feeling, often used in the manufacture of chewing gum or sugar-free candy. It is a nutritional sweetener with a calorie content of about 2.6 calories per gram and a sweetness of about half that of sucrose.
4. Xylitol: It is a natural sweetener often extracted from birch, corn cob, bagasse, etc. It belongs to the sugar alcohol category and produces a cooling sensation in the mouth and does not cause tooth decay, so it is often used in chewing gum or cooling tablets. The sweetness is similar to cane sugar, about 90% of cane sugar.

2. Will sugar substitutes affect health?

Whether sugar substitutes will affect health or not has long been discussed, especially artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame. "Artificial sweeteners are made in laboratories, so people are inevitably afraid of the health effects, but in fact there is no clear evidence that these artificial sweeteners, which are allowed to be used, will have adverse effects on the human body," said Dr. Jiejian Xiao, attending physician for weight management at the Sanshu Jinying Clinic.
In the early 1970s, saccharin was suspected of causing bladder cancer in experiments on rats, but no clear evidence has been found to link saccharin to cancer in humans, so saccharin has been allowed to be added to beverages and foods in the United States since 2000; aspartame has not yet been scientifically proven to be harmful to human health.

According to the data, the current empirical studies show that sugar substitutes are not carcinogenic, and the FDA has no clear evidence of a link between sugar substitutes and human carcinogenicity. In fact, artificial sweeteners have been researched and tested for many years both inside and outside of China, and are therefore allowed to be used. In Taiwan, there are norms and standards for the use of artificial sweeteners. If the industry follows the norms, it should not cause any discomfort, and most of the foods that use sweeteners are snacks rather than staple foods.

However, it should be noted that since sugar alcohols are difficult to be digested in the intestines, the decomposition process is likely to produce gas accumulation in the stomach and intestines, and if a large amount of sugar alcohols are consumed, it may cause bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort.
The studies that show that sugar substitutes are of concern are mostly conducted in large doses or are animal experiments, so more experiments are needed to prove that sugar substitutes are harmful to humans. However, hospital nutritionists reminded that most sugar substitutes still require artificial assistance in the manufacturing process, especially synthetic sugar substitutes, too much intake will still cause a burden on the human liver and kidneys.

3. Is sugar substitute a good option to replace sugar?

"If you are a diabetic with poor blood sugar control, want to control weight, or to avoid tooth decay, you may be able to moderate intake, the general public do not need to use sugar substitutes," said Shuhui Huang, sugar substitutes will begin to appear, in fact, because some people must control sugar intake, but also want to feel the sweet taste, or some people want to lose weight, control calories, but also want to satisfy the appetite of the mouth, sugar substitutes also have a benefit, is to prevent tooth decay, but also many chewing gum will add sugar alcohol, sweeteners more refined sugar, can reduce the chance of tooth decay, help overweight people control weight, can allow diabetic patients to make suitable food.

"The sweetener is still a better option than refined sugar," but it is worth noting that although sugar substitutes are less likely to affect blood sugar, some sugar substitutes will still raise insulin, and elevated insulin will allow the body to absorb better and slow down the breakdown of fat, so switching to sugar substitutes does not necessarily help with weight loss, and although sugar substitutes can make the tongue feel sweet, but not like real sugar, to satisfy cravings, may instead allow us to Sugar substitutes only sweet taste, no calories, past research found that from the brain's functional MRI shows that sugar substitutes can not fully feed the brain's saturation center, so instead may increase appetite and appetite, until you eat real sugar.

If you want to judge whether it is a relatively good sugar substitute, you can judge it by whether it affects insulin or not.

The American Diabetes Association also recommends that sugar lovers can choose coconut palm sugar as a healthy sugar substitute, which can also give the finished product a unique coconut aroma when baking, or they can use maltitol to bake cakes as a sweetener instead of granulated sugar.

Instead of wondering whether to use sugar substitutes, the fundamental way is to start with prototype foods and let the taste buds feel the natural original taste and sweetness of food, so that gradually you don't need to rely on sugar. She also shared that she would make her own dried fruit to flavor her black tea, adding a slice of dried orange fruit to bring out the natural sweetness of oranges and add more flavor to the tea.



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baby hiccups.jpg

baby hiccups/ how to get rid of baby hiccups / how to stop baby hiccups/ baby hiccups in the womb / baby hiccups in womb /getting rid of baby hiccups /what do baby hiccups feel like /newborn baby hiccupswhat causes a baby hiccups  / what causes baby hiccups

What causes baby hiccups

Why does your baby keep hiccuping? I heard that babies are more prone to hiccups than adults. What can I do to relieve my baby's hiccups? Conversely, what should I do if my baby doesn't burp when I drink milk and burp? How long must burping last? Does breastfeeding mean you don't need to burp? Let's hear what the doctor has to say.

Hiccups are involuntary jerks that occur when the diaphragm is stimulated, and they are sometimes audible as the muscles of the diaphragm contract quickly and air passes quickly through the tracheal stenosis. 
Hiccups are a normal physiological phenomenon and most babies do not feel any discomfort. When a baby has hiccups, parents may want to pat the baby's back or give warm water to relieve the hiccups.

      Hiccups in babies are caused by a sudden contraction of the diaphragm, which is a common occurrence and will stop after a short period of time. Also, sometimes when the baby feels cold, the diaphragm may contract and hiccups may occur. Or, when a diaper is wet, a few babies may hiccup. If you observe that your baby is more likely to burp when his diaper is wet, you can change his diaper more often. After changing the diaper, you can also wrap your baby in a towel to prevent the diaphragm from rising due to the cold and compression.
Burping often occurs just after drinking milk and can be caused by crying or swallowing large amounts of air during feeding; sometimes it can be caused by a cold wind in the stomach or irritation from eating cold food; other less common causes are gastroesophageal reflux, diseases such as pneumonia, or adverse reactions to medication.

1. How old will my baby be when he starts to burp?

In fact, your baby will start hiccuping when he or she is still inside your mother's womb! Around 5 months of pregnancy, your baby may already have hiccups. Newborns can also hiccup after they are born. Some pregnant women may feel hiccups in the second to third trimester of pregnancy, or occasionally on prenatal ultrasound, when the baby is seen in the mother's belly; however, the most frequent hiccups occur in the first few months of life and usually improve by one year of age.


Your baby's diaphragm is not fully mature and will hiccup easily at the slightest irritation. In addition, babies' swallowing function is not yet mature, and they may not be able to drink well enough to swallow more air, making them more prone to hiccups. When does your baby stop hiccuping all the time? The answer varies from person to person. At about 5 or 6 months of age, the diaphragm may be more mature, the baby's milk-drinking skills may be getting better, and the baby may swallow less air during the milk-drinking process, so he or she may burp less often.
The symptoms of hiccups in babies are typical of a sudden, strong contraction of the diaphragm muscles, accompanied by an involuntary closing of the vocal cords. Compared to older children, most small children don't seem to feel any discomfort unless the hiccups continue for too long and interfere with normal life, such as eating and drinking.

2.Is it normal for a baby to burp many times?

Is it normal for a baby to burp many times?
Generally speaking, even if you burp many times, most of them are normal. Normal hiccups are not particularly uncomfortable and do not affect mental vitality; however, if a small number of babies have trouble sleeping, eating, mental vitality, or even growth and development because of hiccups, this may be a warning sign of an abnormality and we recommend that you seek medical attention. Abnormalities may include pneumonia, for example. Although fever is the main symptom of pneumonia, some babies with pneumonia may have frequent or persistent hiccups due to inflammation that irritates the diaphragm. Other possible pathologic causes include a very small number of people who have hiccups more often because of a tumor pressing on the diaphragm.

Another more common cause of hiccups is allergy. Sometimes a baby's protein allergy may be expressed as hiccups, for example, if a breastfed baby is allergic to the protein in the milk she drinks or to the seafood she eats. But if this is the reason for the hiccups, and if the hiccups do not affect sleep or mental energy, you can observe them first and not worry too much. You can also observe if this has an effect on your baby's hiccups.

3. How can I relieve my baby's hiccups?

3. How can I relieve my baby's hiccups?

*When hiccups are incessant, it is recommended to feed your baby a little milk (either breast milk or formula, about 20-30 C.C., or just after eating) to help relieve the irritation and tightness of the diaphragm. If you have already started drinking water, you can also give a small sip of warm water to relieve hiccups, but you should not drink too much water at once to avoid the possible burden on the kidneys.
*Hold your baby upright and pat the burps, it is easier to get the air out, so you won't keep having little burps continuously.
*Keep warm, but don't wear too many clothes. If the diaper gets wet, change to a new clean diaper, which may sometimes help relieve the hiccups.
*Although sleeping on your stomach may help relieve hiccups, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach to avoid increasing the chance of sudden death.

*If your baby keeps hiccuping, but is eating well, sleeping well and has good energy, you don't necessarily need to relieve the hiccups. However, if your baby has hiccups for more than 48 hours in a row, you should seek medical attention for possible inflammation or tumors.

* There should be no reliable way to stop hiccups, especially if you're still not sure why they're happening. If your baby has sudden hiccups without any other illness, they usually stop on their own after a while, unless they last longer than 5 to 10 minutes.

      If your baby's abdomen is bloated after feeding and he or she burps when lying down, this is usually due to the small size of the milk hole, which makes the baby swallow too much air when sucking on the milk.

      In addition, trying to feed your baby in small portions or picking him up after feeding and patting him on the back to enhance his gas flow, giving him some warm water or distracting him with fun activities may improve his hiccups.
*Pay attention to feeding environment and posture

      Most of them are not illnesses and do not require too much worry, panic or treatment. They usually get better after a few days when the baby grows up and do not cause any effects or sequelae. The only rare cases of hiccups and overflow caused by "gastroesophageal reflux" can be treated by not allowing the baby to be fed too much at one time, allowing the baby to lean upright on the adult's shoulder after feeding and not allowing the baby to lie flat for half an hour.

      To avoid hiccups in daily life, it is important to feed your baby in a quiet state and environment, and never when your baby is overly hungry or crying. When your baby has hiccups, use toys or soft music to divert and attract your baby's attention to reduce the frequency of hiccups, or let your baby stop for a break in the middle of drinking milk, let your baby stand upright on your lap, and gently pat his back to avoid continuous hiccups after the exhaustion of the full burp.
*Don't use unsubstantiated treatments

      The solution: let it go without any treatment and eventually the hiccups will become less frequent.

      If you still feel the need to make some effort to comfort yourself, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests sucking some sugar water from your baby. However, if your baby has frequent hiccups, along with loss of appetite, weight loss or recurrent vomiting, you should take your baby to the hospital for a thorough examination.

      In addition, parents are reminded that some non-medical treatments, such as honey for hiccups or eye pressure, are not suitable for babies under the age of one because honey may contain clostridium botulinum bacteria, and babies' stomach acid may not be strong enough to kill these bacteria, so special care should be taken.



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Apple Mobile Device USB Drlver這個裝置

如果Apple Mobile Device USB Drlver這個裝置更新驅動程式,它會把網路介面卡Apple Mobile Device Ethernet 給刪掉,也變成無法上網。
vcvc879211 wrote:


我剛試了一下沒任何問題(Win10 21H2 + iPhone 6),如果確定是更新完KB4023057才這樣,把它移除掉試試看。



還有樓主iPhone的驅動程式與我的不同,不知誰比較新??我的driver是Windows Update更新的,不用itunes內附的(比較舊)
太感謝了 晚上回去試試看我不確定iphone驅動誰比較新,但我有測試過,如果沒有itunes內附的我的手機確實就無法提供usb熱點給電腦,如果Windows Update有更新到應該會有網路才對

雖然正常,但好像治標不治本,不知有沒有方法,自動更新之後,被斷網,我安裝先載好的驅動,就正常使用呢? 目前沒有測試,目前我沒找到單獨安裝apple網卡驅動的程式。

有點好奇樓上樓主Windows Update更新後正常使用手機接USB熱點連網路,是怎麼做到的呢...
(重灌的系統Win10 21H2 重灌後全新的系統,也沒辦法直接連網路,我一樣要安裝舊版itunes才能連上)
如果要靠Windows Update更新正常使用網路,我可能就要測試使用網路線來更新,但就是沒有才需要使用USB連手機熱點。


最終重灌電腦,WIN10自動更新Apple, Inc. - USBDevice - 486.0.0.0後iphone無法透過USB連上網,其餘更新紛紛直接停止。

vcvc879211 wrote:

前帖忘了問,iTunes你是去Apple官網下載Windows版本安裝還是直接透過Microsoft Store安裝。

w10 bug1.jpg

w10 bug2.jpg

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我的經驗是,Win10後期的版本還繼續安裝Windows版本iTunes會有很多奇奇怪怪的問題產生,改成安裝Windows app版就全好了,我不知道前面奇奇怪怪的問題是否包含iPhone USB網卡驅動程式相衝的問題,但我我跟我同事都沒碰過類似樓主的問題。

我跟我幾位同事人在客戶公司時很習慣筆電接iPhone當USB 5G網卡在用,不習慣開熱點AP分享,如果是Win10系統本身有bug出現,我們應該很早就會知道,甚至還為了這種事停止更新系統,這更是不可能的事。




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進階字幕下載,選擇您是想獲得 .srt 字幕檔,還是影片檔中的嵌入式字幕以便在如 Mac 等設備上觀看 啟動「智慧模式」可讓您的設定適用於所有的下載,簡單又快速。

從任何網頁下載各該網頁內嵌的 YouTube 影片,您只要複製/貼上網頁連結,程式會自己找到影片下載來源。

從 Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr, Facebook 和 DailyMotion 下載影片和音樂。

4K Video Downloader.jpg

4K Video Downloader 1.jpg

4K Video Downloader 2.jpg4K Video Downloader 3.jpg


4K Video Downloader 破解免安裝・(免费YouTube视频下载软件) 油管视频 ...

【軟體名稱】:4K Video Downloade

免安裝 (已破解) 解壓縮後即可使用
【免安裝 檔案下載】64位元



【安裝版 64位元

開啟軟體後 點PATCH  

 (64-Bit) 4K Video Downloader v4.17.0.4400 Patch.rar
4K Video Downloader 4.jpg
◎ 下載鏈接僅供寬帶測試研究用途,請於下載後24小時內刪除,請勿用於商業目的。
◎ 軟體僅供測試,請支持購買正版!
◎ 不承擔會員將本站資源用於盈利和(或)非法目的之任何後果和(或)法律責任。
◎ 所有軟體皆從網上蒐集轉載,不承擔任何技術及版權問題。
◎ 解鎖版軟體有機會被防毒軟體偵測有毒,打開時請先把防毒軟體關閉。

4K Download | 免费且有用的个人电脑、macOS 和Linux 应用 ...

4K Video Downloader allows downloading videos, playlists, channels and subtitles from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and other video sites in high ...


4K Video Downloader (免费YouTube视频下载软件) 油管视频 ...

4K Video Downloader主要用于YouTube视频下载/YouTube字幕下载/YouTube音乐下载/YouTube列表下载,支持1080P/4K/8K超高清分辨率, 可批量将YouTube视频转换成MP3音频,, ...Read More

4K Video Downloader輸出音訊@ 軟體使用教學 - 隨意窩

4K Video Downloader是一款免費、跨平台、速度快、支援繁體中文的YouTube高畫質影片下載軟體。使用這個軟體,只要複製、貼上影片的網址,就可以快速的 ...Read More


4K Video Downloader智慧模式@ 軟體使用教學 - 隨意窩

1.對著桌面的捷徑圖示連續按兩下滑鼠左鍵,開啟4K Video Downloader。 · 2.點選「智慧模式」。 · 3.勾選「啟用智慧模式」。 · 4.依自己的需要選擇適當格式、解析度與字幕。..Read More



Best-Reviews 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

4K Video Downloader for pc macos linux.jpg

4k video downloader 破解版、免安裝版,不論要下載 YouTube 4K 影片、8K 影片,甚至是 MP3 通通都沒問題,而且完全無須安裝、下載任何 APP,打開瀏覽器就可以用,因此手機、電腦無輪什麼系統都能用!

【軟體名稱】:4K Video Downloader
攜帶版300MB  、安裝版91MB
【作業系統】:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win 8/Win 10
【軟體介紹】:4K Video Downloader 的主要功能如下:
從 YouTube 下載整個播放清單和頻道並以 MP4、MKV、M4A、MP3、FLV 和 3GP 等格式儲存檔案,
且可建立檔案格式為 .m3u 的播放清單。
下載 HD 1080p、HD 720p 或 4K 畫質的影片,讓您在 HD TV、iPad 或其他裝置觀賞高解析度影片。
進階字幕下載,選擇您是想獲得 .srt 字幕檔,還是影片檔中的嵌入式字幕以便在如 Mac 等設備上觀看
從任何網頁下載各該網頁內嵌的 YouTube 影片,您只要複製/貼上網頁連結,程式會自己找到影片下載來源。
從 Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr, Facebook 和 DailyMotion 下載影片和音樂。

4K Video Downloader.jpg

免安裝 (已破解) 解壓縮後即可使用
【免安裝 檔案下載】64位元



【安裝版 64位元
開啟軟體後 點PATCH  

 (64-Bit) 4K Video Downloader v4.17.0.4400 Patch.rar (139.61 KB, 下載次數: 100, 售價: 1 個碎鑽)



4K Video Downloader (免费YouTube视频下载软件) 油管视频 ...

4K Video Downloader主要用于YouTube视频下载/YouTube字幕下载/YouTube音乐下载/YouTube列表下载,支持1080P/4K/8K超高清分辨率, 可批量将YouTube视频转换成MP3音频,, ...Read More

4K Video Downloader輸出音訊@ 軟體使用教學 - 隨意窩

4K Video Downloader是一款免費、跨平台、速度快、支援繁體中文的YouTube高畫質影片下載軟體。使用這個軟體,只要複製、貼上影片的網址,就可以快速的 ...Read More

4K Video Downloader智慧模式@ 軟體使用教學 - 隨意窩

1.對著桌面的捷徑圖示連續按兩下滑鼠左鍵,開啟4K Video Downloader。 · 2.點選「智慧模式」。 · 3.勾選「啟用智慧模式」。 · 4.依自己的需要選擇適當格式、解析度與字幕。..Read More


◎ 下載鏈接僅供寬帶測試研究用途,請於下載後24小時內刪除,請勿用於商業目的。

◎ 軟體僅供測試,請支持購買正版!

◎ 不承擔將本站資源用於盈利和(或)非法目的之任何後果和(或)法律責任。

◎ 所有軟體皆從網上蒐集轉載,不承擔任何技術及版權問題。

◎ 解鎖版軟體有機會被防毒軟體偵測有毒,打開時請先把防毒軟體關閉。


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