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100,000.00 KRW 韓元 (KRW) 1 KRW = 0.006033 HKD 603.33 HKD 港幣 (HKD) 1 HKD = 165.75 KRW




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韓元 (KRW)兌換成新台幣 (TWD)

兌換 結果 解釋
1 韓元 新台幣 0.02269 TWD 1 韓元 = 0.02269 新台幣 關於 2022/7/17
100 韓元 新台幣 2.2693 TWD 100 韓元 = 2.2693 新台幣 關於 2022/7/17
10,000 韓元 新台幣 226.93 TWD 10,000 韓元 = 226.93 新台幣 關於 2022/7/17
1,000,000 韓元 新台幣 22,692.95 TWD 1,000,000 韓元 = 22,692.95 新台幣 關於 2022/7/17










0.5 22.033
1 44.067
2 88.133
5 220.33
10 440.67
20 881.33
50 2,203.3
100 4,406.7
200 8,813.3
500 22,033
1,000 44,067
2,000 88,133
5,000 220,333
10,000 440,666
20,000 881,331
50,000 2,203,328
100,000 4,406,655
50 1.1346
100 2.2693
200 4.5386
500 11.346
1,000 22.693
2,000 45.386
5,000 113.46
10,000 226.93
20,000 453.86
50,000 1,134.6
100,000 2,269.3
200,000 4,538.6
500,000 11,346
1,000,000 22,693
2,000,000 45,386
5,000,000 113,465
10,000,000 226,929









韓元KRW即時價位 :

台幣TWD即時價位 :




100萬韓元 = 20970 台幣




1000000 韓元換台幣計算结果:

1,000,000.00 KRW
20,970.0000 TWD 
韓元(KRW) 台幣(TWD)
1 KRW = 0.021 TWD   1 TWD = 47.6872 KRW






100萬韓元 = 22682台幣


按实际汇率将 KRW 换算成 TWD


1.00000 KRW = 0.02268 TWD

14:01 UTC 中间市场汇率







1000 23
2000 46
5000 115
10,000 229
20,000 459
50,000 1147
100,000 2294
200,000 4588
500,000 11,470
1,000,000 22,940
2,000,000 45,880
5,000,000 114,700
10,000,000 229,400
20,000,000 458,799
50,000,000 1,146,998
100,000,000 2,293,995
200,000,000 4,587,991
七月 13, 2022
20 872
50 2180
100 4359
200 8718
500 21,796
1000 43,592
2000 87,184
5000 217,960
10,000 435,921
20,000 871,841
50,000 2,179,603
100,000 4,359,207
200,000 8,718,414
500,000 21,796,034
1,000,000 43,592,068
2,000,000 87,184,137
5,000,000 217,960,342
七月 16, 2022


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ACT (Advanced Combat Tracker) is an assist software with tons of features, more than 50% of high difficulty players will install ACT to use its damage stats for recording process / boosting output / correcting mistakes. 

ACT or Advanced Combat Tracker is a third-party program recording the stats of your group during a raid or any content you play. This data can then be used to analyze a fight and see what mistakes have been made or how could you improve your skills rotation to output more damage for example.






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FFXIV Parsing Plugin NEW (

Parsing plugin for Final Fantasy XIV. -ravahn- -More Information- -Setup Guide- -FAQ- 1727 KB


The ACT Parsing Plugin for Final Fantasy XIV This project is to track releases and issues for the ACT FFXIV Plugin. The source code is not currently public.

The DLL file included in this project enables the multi-game parser Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) to process and display combat information from Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.0.

DISCLAIMER: Use of this program is at your own risk. Square Enix does not permit the use of any third party tools, even those which do not modify the game. They have stated in interviews that they did not view parsers as a significant problem unless players use them to harass other players, so the consensus is to not discuss parsers or DPS in-game at all.

I have started a Discord server for discussions regarding this plugin. All are welcome to join, but keep in mind this is for the purpose of developing and improving the plugin, and so may be moderated if discussions go wild. https://discord.gg/9tHJ7s2P3r

Installation Instructions:

1.Download & install ACT. If you have an existing ACT installation, please remove any other plugins, to ensure there are not any conflicts to start with. ACT can be downloaded here: http://advancedcombattracker.com/download.php

2.Launch the ACT Startup Wizard. On the Parsing Plugin tab, click the 'Get Available parsing plugins' button. Choose #73 "FFXIV Parsing Plugin", and click the "Use this plugin" button. Continue the wizard or close it as desired.

3.The FFXIV_ACT_Plugin reads a combination of memory and network data from your local pc. It has two different ways of accessing the network data:

a) Default mode - by default, it will use a windows raw socket for the game's network data. This requires running ACT as a local administrator and adding a firewall rule to permit it to do so. For Windows Defender it will prompt you to add this rule, but for other firewalls you will need to configure it youtself.

b) Use Npcap kernel driver - If you prefer, you can install Npcap separately from ACT and the FFXIV plugin. This will allow the plugin to read network data and bypass unique firewall or vpn configurations, and does not require running ACT as an Administrator. After installing Npcap, the feature can be enabled by going to the ACT Plugins tab, then to the FFXIV ACT Plugin tab, and enabling the "Use Winpcap-compatible library" feature.



FFXIV ACT Setup Guide

This guide is intended to get a FFXIV player setup with ACT and an overlay for parsing purposes and be able to upload logs to the FFLogs website.

ast updated: 2/11/2020 act_logo Contents

Installing ACT

Configuring ACT Running as Admin Adding

Firewall Exception FFXIV ACT Plugin


Adding an Overlay Preset Overlays Custom Overlays

FFLogs Uploader Installing the Uploader Uploading a Log

什麼是潛銷・Installing ACT

Installing ACT

Navigate to the ACT website, click on the Download page tab, then click on the Advanced Combat Tracker - Setup link to download the ACT installation program.


Find the ACTv3-Setup executable in your downloads and run it to begin the installation (If you get a User Account Control prompt, click yes).


The setup program will ask you for the installation location and start menu folder (You can leave the default options). Click Install then Close to complete the installation.


Configuring ACT

Running as Admin

It is recommended that ACT be run as Admin. You can right click on the ACT shortcut and select the Run as administrator option. You may get an UAC prompt, select yes.


You can also configure ACT to always run as admin by right clicking on the shortcut then selecting Properties. In the Properties window, select the Compatibility tab, then check the Run this program as an administrator option. Click Apply to save the changes. This will ensure ACT is always run as admin.


Adding Firewall Exception

Open the windows Control Panel (you can search for control panel in the taskbar search bar). Select the System and Security category and under Windows Defender Firewall click on Allow an app through Windows Firewall.


Inside the allowed apps window, click on Change settings button, then on the Allow another app... button. This will open up a dialog window to select an app.


Click on the Browse... button and navigate to the ACT install folder. The default location should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Combat Tracker.


In the ACT folder, select the Advanced Combat Tracker application and click on Open.


Back in the dialog window, click on Add to add ACT to the windows firewall exceptions.


Advanced Combat Tracker should now appear in the list of Allowed apps and features. Click OK and exit the Control Panel.



Upon first running ACT, it will prompt you with the Startup Wizard. If you forget to download a parsing plugin, ACT will prompt you again the next time you run it, or you can manually open the wizard by going to Options > Miscellaneous > Show Startup Wizard.


In the Parsing Plugin section of the startup wizard, ensure FFXIV Parsing Plugin is selected from the dropdown, then click the Download/Enable Plugin button. You will receive an alert when the plugin has been added to ACT. Click Ok to dismiss it.


Click Next to move to the log file section. ACT will ask if it will be used for Final Fantasy XIV. Select Yes to configure ACT logs for FFXIV.


Click Next to move to Startup Settings, then Close to accept the default settings and finish the startup wizard.

At this point FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll should be enabled in Plugins > Plugin Listing.



From the Plugin Listing tab, click on the Get Plugins... button near the upper right corner. This will open a window that will populate with available plugins for ACT.


In the Get Plugins window, select the [FFXIV+others]Overlay Plugin option and click on Download and Enable. This will add the latest ngld OverlayPlugin to ACT (the OverlayPlugin auto-updater may also run during this step).


The OverlayPlugin should now be setup. Click on the X to close the Get Plugins window.

At this point it is recommended to restart ACT before continuing on.

Adding an Overlay

Preset Overlays

Ngld's OverlayPlugin comes with built-in presets for a majority of popular overlays. To setup an overlay go to Plugins > OverlayPlugin.dll and click on the New button.


This will open the Create new overlay dialog. Enter a name for the overlay and select a preset from the dropdown (the overlayplugin will show you a preview of each preset). Once you have selected your desired overlay, click on the OK button to add your overlay.


Your overlay should now appear in the overlays list. Select it from the list to view and edit its settings. You can move your overlay to the desired position, then check the Lock overlay box to lock it in place.


You can add additional overlays using the same steps. Certain plugins, e.g. cactbot plugin, will populate the preset dropdown with additional presets for their respective overlays.

Custom Overlays

For an overlay not available in the presets, select the Custom option from the dropdown and the desired Type. For most overlays, it will be the MiniParse type.


In the overlay settings, make sure to add the overlay URL source. It can be a web url or the path to a local html file.


FFLogs Uploader

Installing the Uploader

Navigate to the FFLogs Download page and download the FFLogs client application for your platform.


Find the FFLogsUploader install application in your downloads and run it. The application will ask you whether to install for all users or just yourself. Click on the Install button after selecting your choice then Finish once the installation is done.


Uploading a Log

Note: You will need to register for an FFLogs account in order to upload logs.

Run the FFlogs Uploader application. Enter the account information you used to sign up. Once you are authenticated, click on the Upload a Log button.


Click on Choose to select the log to upload.


In the File Explorer, navigate to the folder where the log is saved. The default location is at %APPDATA%\Advanced Combat Tracker\FFXIVLogs. You can copy and paste that path in the explorer bar to go directly to the default folder.


In the log folder, selected the desired log to upload, and click on Open. To ensure the latest log is on top, you can sort by Date modified.


Choose the desired access level for the log: Public, Private, or Unlisted. Public will be ranked and Private and Unlisted are un-ranked. Anyone will be able to view a Public log. Private logs can only be viewed by you. Unlisted logs can be viewed by anyone with the link to the log.

If you want to upload only a specific encounter, toggle the Select Specific Raids To Upload option, then click on the Go! button.


Select the specific encounter you want to upload from the list and click on the Go! button. You may select multiple encounters by holding Ctrl on your keyboard.

Note: this view is only available if you selected specific raids to upload.


Once the uploader is finished uploading the encounters to the FFLogs website, click on View Report to open up the page in your default browser and view the log results.






Troubleshooting stuff

My ACT isn't showing any numbers. What can I do?

Go to Plugins > FFXIV Settings and click Test game connection.

  • It complains about the firewall. What should I do?
    Make sure you have a firewall exception for ACT. Also make sure that the .exe file (visible under Details) and network type are correct.

    If you're sure the firewall exception is correct, disable the firewall. If that fixes your problem, your exception is not correct. If that doesn't fix your problem, come to the Discord and mention that your parser doesn't work even when your firewall is disabled.

  • It complains about memory signatures/addresses. What should I do?
    This usually means your parser doesn't work with your game version. Check the plugin page for updates. If you already have the latest version, you'll probably see a notice at the top of this FAQ that an update is being worked on.

    If you got this error with the latest parser and the game hasn't been updated in the last several days, go to the Discord and ask for help.

  • It complains that it can't find the game process.
    Make sure you're running the correct ACT .exe. Advanced Combat Tracker.exe for the game in DirectX 11 mode (the default) and ACTx86.exe for the game in DirectX 9 mode.

  • It complains that no recent network traffic has been received.
    Check if your firewall is interfering with the parser or if your VPN is causing problems.

    If you use a VPN, try disabling the "High performance network parser". Disabling it means ACT will cause more CPU load but it might fix your problem.

My overlay isn't updating / not showing

First, check if your FFXIV plugin is the first entry in your plugins list (you can find that on ACT's Plugins tab). If it isn't move it to the top using the arrows and restart ACT. If that didn't fix your issue, continue reading.

Make sure that ACT is showing DPS info on the Main tab. If that doesn't work, you'll have to fix ACT / the parser first. See the above section for more information about that.

Next, check the overlay log if it contains any of the following messages. The overlay log is the area below your overlay settings.

  • System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Remove your current OverlayPlugin (delete the files and the folder you should have created for the plugin), restart ACT, click the Get Plugins button on the Plugins tab and select OverlayPlugin from that list. This will install the latest OverlayPlugin for you.

  • Could not load type 'RainbowMage.OverlayPlugin.EventSourseBase' from assembly 'OverlayPlugin.Core, ...'
    You tried to use an addon or plugin which requires the ngld OverlayPlugin but you have the hibiyasleep version.

    You either have to look for a different download / build of the addon/plugin you're trying to use or switch to the ngld OverlayPlugin.

  • System.TypeLoadException - Could not load type 'System.ValueTuple``3' from assembly 'System.ValueTuple, ...
    Update your .NET framework to 4.7.1 or newer.

Finally, here are some typical issues which can lead to an overlay showing up but not updating:

  • Remove your current overlay, click New and select the overlay from the preset list. That should fix any issues related to a wrong URL, ACTWS setting, etc.
  • If you're using ngld's OverlayPlugin, load it directly after the FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll to make sure no other plugin conflicts with it.
  • If you're trying to use MopiMopi or SkillDisplay with the ngld version, make sure you check the ACTWS checkbox.
    If you're using any other overlay, uncheck that box since it can break overlays which don't support ACTWS (like Cactbot).
  • If you're using Cactbot, make sure you select the correct type (Cactbot for hibiyasleep and MiniParse for ngld).
  • Certain overlays like MopiMopi don't work with the hibiyasleep version.

My overlay only shows if I'm out of the game / alt-tabbed

Set your game to run in Borderless mode. Fullscreen means the game has exclusive control of your screen and other programs can't draw over it.

Discord, Steam, etc. get around this by hooking into the game. We're trying to avoid this which is why we use windows to draw over the game.

  • But it worked before ?!
    Yeah, that was Windows doing some black magic. Essentially, it forced the game into a mode similar to Borderless. For some reason, this has been disabled in a recent Windows update.

My overlay shows over the game but stops updating

This is usually an issue with AMD's graphics driver. Make sure you disable AMD Chill or come to the Discord and ask for help there.

My overlay doesn't sort by DPS

If you're using the ngld OverlayPlugin, you have to enable sorting. Go to Plugins > MiniParseEventSource and set Sort By to DPS.

ngld OverlayPlugin failed because it couldn't download something

Go to the OverlayPlugin tab. It'll tell you more about the file it tried to download. You'll be able to retry the download or manually download the required file there.

OverlayPlugin complains that Newtonsoft.Json is outdated

Go to your ACT folder (that's where your Advanced Combat Tracker.exe is) and delete Newtonsoft.Json.dll. That file isn't part of ACT and most likely ended up there as part of a plugin. Please install plugins in %AppData%\Advanced Combat Tracker\Plugins or sub folders to avoid issues like this.

If OverlayPlugin still complains about Newtonsoft.Json even after you deleted that file, make sure that it's loaded before ACTWebSocket and Discord Triggers and any other plugin that might contain an old version of Newtonsoft.Json. If you need help locating the currently loaded version of Newtonsoft.Json, go to ACT's Plugins tab and click View Loaded Assemblies on the right side. It'll list all currently loaded assemblies and should show you the path to the currently loaded Newtonsoft.Json.dll.

Join the Discord if you need further assistance.

OverlayPlugin complains that SharpCompress is outdated

Disable ACTWebSocket or load OverlayPlugin before ACTWebSocket. If that doesn't help, check if you have a SharpCompress.dll file in your ACT folder (the folder that contains Advanced Combat Tracker.exe) and delete it. Check the above section for further info since it's the same problem just a different file.

Cactbot's config tab is empty

Check if your overlay log (the text box below your overlay settings) contains an error complaining about an outdated version of Newtonsoft.Json. If it does, follow the instructions above. If it doesn't, make sure you updated all of Cactbot's files (and not just the DLL or ui folder). If that doesn't help either, join the Discord.

General questions

How do I install OverlayPlugin or Cactbot?

Go to ACT's Plugins tab and click the Get Plugins button. Select the plugin you want from that list. If ACT complains during the Cactbot installation that it doesn't contain a plugin interface, then you have to update your OverlayPlugin first. The easiest way to do that is to completely remove your current OverlayPlugin and then add it again through the Get Plugins button.

How do I check my plugin versions?

Go to the Plugins tab, click on the plugin you want to check and look on the right side for FileVersion:. Next to that label, it will tell you the plugin version.

Where are the log files saved?

Go to Plugins > FFXIV Settings and look for the Log file location.

What is the difference between the ngld OverlayPlugin and hibiyasleep OverlayPlugin?

  • hibiyasleep's OverlayPlugin hasn't been updated in 2 years and thus uses an older version of Chromium to render the overlays. That probably doesn't matter to you as a user but it means that overlays which work with the hibiyasleep version can't use more recent features like modern ES JavaScript syntax, new CSS features, etc.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin uses a single download for both x64 and x86 downloads to make installation easier.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin integrates most of ACTWebSocket's features making the latter redundant.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin added cutscene detection which automatically hides overlays during them. This feature can be turned off in the plugin configuration if you don't want that.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin allows you to assign the same hotkey to several overlays and doesn't require a restart for hotkeys to become active.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin offers more data for overlays.
  • For details check the release notes since they contain the changes for each release.

Where can I find any documentation on the log file?

Cactbot's log guide is the best we currently have. We don't have any real documentation on the parser itself but feel free to ask on Discord if you have any specific questions.


  • ACT, Advanced Combat Tracker
    This program offers the core functionality by calculating DPS, HPS, etc. based on a log file.

  • ACTWS, ACTWebSocket
    This plugin runs a web server which accepts WebSocket connections which allows other applications to use ACT's data. Not maintained anymore. Most of the functionality has been integrated into ngld's OverlayPlugin.

  • Cactbot
    A collection of various overlays. Raidboss can show you timelines for boss fights and dungeons, the eureka overlay can show you points of interest for eureka, oopsyraidsy can show you certain mistakes and why people die.

  • FFXIV ACT plugin
    This plugin contains the FFXIV parser for ACT (there are other plugins which allow ACT to parse the data for other games). It captures the network packets sent/received by the game and additional data from memory and writes that information to a log file. ACT then reads that file and parses it with help from the plugin.

  • FFLogs
    A website that allows you to upload the raw network logs and aggregates them.

  • Hojoring, Special Spell Timers, Yukkuri, UltraScouter
    Hojoring is a collection of the following three plugins:

    • SpecialSpellTimer
      Oversee skill cooldowns, trigger notifications for enemy actions, timeline for raids, etc.
    • Yukkuri
      Replaces ACT's Text to Speech engine. Can interface with most TTS engines currently available.
    • UltraScouter
      Extended HUD. Can display enemy HP values, remaining cast time, distance and direction of hunt marks, threat visualization, etc
  • OverlayPlugin (hibiyasleep, ngld)
    This plugin is used for most overlays. It effectively runs a Chromium browser in the background to render web pages on top of the game. Various information like the current DPS values are forwarded by the plugin to the web page to display.

    For details on the difference between the two version, see above.

  • Parser
    See FFXIV ACT plugin above.

  • Triggers
    A trigger allows you to define a certain action (showing an overlay, playing a sound, starting/stopping an OBS recording, ...) that should happen whenever a certain thing happens in the game. Very powerful but requires a solid understanding of regular expressions and log lines.

  • Triggernometry
    More or less replaces ACT's Custom Triggers feature with a much more capable version. For example, variables and conditions are supported, as well as visual warnings and callouts (auras).

    The plugin is a toolbox for building your own things for whatever calls and situations you like, and as such it does not contain any triggers out of the box. You can, however, find people sharing their creations through the plugin's remote repos feature or on Triggernometry's Discord server where you will also be able to find assistance in building your own things.

Disclaimer: A few of the above plugin descriptions have been taken from the FFXIV Discord's #plugin-showcase.


If you have the latest OverlayPlugin, take a look at the different presets it offers (click the New button on the OverlayPlugin.dll tab). That list is more complete and includes previews.

Triggernometry, SpecialSpellTimers and UltraScouter can also display additional information on top of the game.

TODO: Add updated screenshots for all of these. Would probably more useful than the text descriptions.

However, pure DPS data / DPS tables are usually displayed by one of these:

  • Kagerou, README link
    A very popular overlay displaying DPS, damage taken and HPS. Has a lot of options to customize the displayed data and overall look and feel. Works with all overlay renderers.

  • MopiMopi, README link
    Also fairly popular. Displays DPS and HPS. Doesn't group the data into tabs and instead displays both tables next to each other. Requires ngld's OverlayPlugin or ACTWebSocket.

  • a modified version of RainbowMage
    RainbowMage created OverlayPlugin and the first overlay that worked with it. Since then multiple modified versions have been created. This repo contains a pretty broad selection and additional overlays.

    Works with both hibiyasleep and ngld OverlayPlugin.

  • Ember, README link
    This overlay tries to follow FFXIV's overall UI design and offers a bunch of data.
    Works with all overlay renderers.

  • Horizoverlay, README link
    A simple horizontal damage meter overlay. It currently shows player dps, damage %, hps, encounter duration and total dps. Works with OverlayPlugin or newer (both hibiysleep and ngld).

  • Ikegami, README link
    A simple horizontal miniparse overlay. Works with all overlay renderers.


  • FFXIV ACT: Advanced Combat Tracker Setup Guide - WePC

FFXIV ACT: Advanced Combat Tracker Setup Guide - WePC

Advanced Combat Tracker or FFXIV ACT for short is an addon that is designed to record and calculate statistics from live in-game data. Most ...

【FF14】ACT FFlogs的安装使用说明

本文搭配『萌新打高难』P3 观看。 一、ACT ACT(Advanced Combat Tracker)是一款有大量功能的辅助软件,50%以上的高难玩家会安装ACT使用它的伤害统计 ...

ACT Parser | FFXIV on Mac

ACT Parser. ACT Setup Guide for XIV on Mac 4.0+. Step 1: Download and Install ChmodBPF (Required install for ACT ...

Combat Resources - FFXIV 6.11 - AkhMorning

Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) is a multi-game real-time & offline parser that analyses combat activity & presents summary & detail for many MMORPGs. ACT ...



▼Download address  https://ffcafe.org/act/

▼How to set up such a DPS display floating window after ACT is installed?

▼ Refer to this detailed graphic steps: https://www.yuque.com/ffcafe/act/overlay

▼Because each person's computer is different, you may encounter problems such as installation error/no data in DPS statistics/no sound in TTS, please refer to "Self-service troubleshooting guide for common problems" https://www.yuque.com/ffcafe/act


2. FFlogs

 The battle data recorded by ACT will be saved as a log file (log) and uploaded to FFlogs for analysis, so that it is more convenient to query the skills used in the dungeon / buff debuff / RDPS / movement / cause of death / etc. Many screen recordings cannot be seen. The data that comes out will be very intuitive and detailed in the logs.

 Also, because it records a large number of data uploaded by players, it also provides functions such as output ranking/number of players who have passed this job/output interval.

 FFlogs is more complex and newcomers generally cannot understand it, and there is no specific method to suggest. It is recommended to use the xivanalysis mentioned in the video to analyze the problem.

 If you are interested in the detailed usage of logs, please refer to "FFLogs Graphical Usage Guide" https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=24695862

 At present, FFlogs has deployed a domestic server, the website is opened in seconds, no magic is required for registration, and the client is also fast to download!

Log upload steps:

▼Download and install the client: https://cn.fflogs.com/client/download

▼Open the client and click [Upload Log]

▼The log file is stored in the ACT installation directory such as:

X:\ACT National Service Integration\AppData\Advanced Combat Tracker\FFXIVLogs

▼It is recommended to select [Public/Not on the list] [Select a specific copy to upload]

Public - Participate in the ranking publicly. Others can directly see the record and ranking
by searching for your ID. Private - You can't see the record when you search for your ID, and you can only view it when you log in with your own account.
Not search for the ID. can be seen by anyone

Send records to others / use the police network, don't choose private! !

If you don't check [Specific dungeon upload] - all the battle records of you fight wild monsters / wooden stakes / Fate / 4-player / 8-player books are all uploaded directly (this is too weird?)

▼You can get a record after uploading

▼Click the red circle icon button of the record

▼ An anonymous copy will be generated, without revealing the uploader ID or player ID


 There are several algorithms for output, each with their own advantages and disadvantages and considerations. The PD on the ACT panel is very inaccurate. It is recommended that newcomers refer to the RD calculated by fflogs. If you are interested, you can refer to this post: "Translation and personal understanding of the core content of the official Logs algorithm" https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=24197480


 If you don't want to search for your ID to find you, you can refer to this post to hide (it does not affect your ability to upload/use FFlogs): "Explanation on issues related to recent FFLOGS hiding and unhiding personal data" https://bbs.nga. cn/read.php?tid=19696538

 If you want to merge logs after changing your name, you can refer to this post: "Baboons who want to merge logs after changing their name" https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=26844341

3. About Logs Ranking
 logs will give very rigid ranking numbers based on your output:

Gold - this output exceeded everyone at the time and was the first,
Pink - exceeded 99% of people
Orange - exceeded 95%-98% of people
Purple - exceeded 75%-94% of people
Blue - exceeded 50%-74% people
green - over 25%-49% people
grey - over 0%-24% people
grey 9 means your output is 90% of grey 10, grey 1 is 10% (6.0 remove with this setting)

 And the output will be affected by the time, luck, and even the speed of killing the explosives. Even if you are in the exact same cycle as the first-ranked boss, the ranking may be very different.

 When I use the graduation outfit, the big one is purple and orange, and when I use the small mechanic who doesn't have the forbidden or explosive production outfit, it's gray-green. The higher the number of layers, the lower the ranking. It is very normal for newcomers to be gray just after they have just passed, because you are not as good as others in every way. As long as it is not gray 9, it is fine, because the gap between gray 9 and gray 10 is similar to the gap between gray 10 and green 25. If you are not dead or gray 9, it means that you need to improve a lot. (6.0 removed this setting)

 If you are a person who is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of passing, he is a person who often destroys the group for the sake of ranking high greed and output, obviously you are better, he is worse,

 In general, rankings are not all, high ranking ≠ strong strength ≠ too fast. Experienced players can also see problematic rankings,

 It is recommended that newcomers do not care whether the ranking of logs is getting better or worse after reading this book. First go to the police network to find the problem, and deal with the most important and most difficult problem. With the improvement of equipment such as explosives, the ranking will naturally improve. 作者:卤蛋每天都在羡慕 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11638506/ 出处:bilibili


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原先的 Office 365 現在稱為 Microsoft 365。

而 Office 365是微軟官方推出的一款專業辦公軟體,軟體中集成了Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneDrive、OneNote、SharePoint、Microsoft Teams、Yammer等工具。

Office 365 (Microsoft 365)是一個雲端平台服務,讓使用者能夠隨心隨地在不同平台下使用,包括PC台式機、平板電腦或手機線上或者線下都能工作,其安全性也安全的,畢竟Office 365 出至有名的大平台—microsoft。

本次為大家帶來的Office 365 破解完整版是從網絡上收集回來,也經過測試驗證沒有任何問題的,歡迎大家放心下載安裝。



office 365 破解・Microsoft 365 與 Office 2021 有何不同?

Office 365 (Microsoft 365) 是一種訂閱服務,是Microsoft 推出的最新現代化生產力工具。

Office 365 (Microsoft 365) 方案包含家用個人用,以及中小型企業用、大型企業用、學校用及非營利組織用。

家用版和個人版 Microsoft 365 方案皆包含非常熟悉的強大 Office 傳統型應用程式,例如 Word、PowerPoint 及 Excel。



訂閱方式 :


Microsoft 365 家用版 方案

也可讓與最多 6 個家人共用訂閱,且可在多部 PC、Mac、平板電腦和手機上使用應用程式。

大部分的商務用、學校用與非營利組織用 Microsoft 365 方案都包含完整安裝的傳統型應用程式,但 Microsoft 也提供線上版 Office、檔案儲存空間與電子郵件功能的基本方案。


Office 2021 也有買斷型購買方案,也就是直接支付一次性費用,為一部電腦取得 Office 應用程式。

不管是 PC 版還是 Mac 版,都可以採用買斷型購買方案。


Office 網頁版 是可以在網頁瀏覽器中使用的免費版 Office。

只需要使用新的或現有的電子郵件地址註冊 Microsoft 帳戶。

試用 Office 網頁版應用程式.

我有 Mac, 我應該買哪一套? Mac 或 PC 上都可以安裝 Microsoft 365 訂閱和 Office 2021。

比較 Microsoft 365 訂閱與 Office 2021 (買斷型購買)


(例如:Office 家用版 2021)


Microsoft 365 訂閱
(範例:Microsoft 365 家用版*)






Office 應用程式


取得 Office 應用程式,例如 Excel、Word 和 PowerPoint。


取得最新版本的 Office 應用程式,例如 Excel、Word、PowerPoint 和 Outlook。 您使用的永遠是最新功能、新工具、安全性更新和錯誤修正。 電腦使用者也會取得 Access 和 Publisher。



會有安全性更新,但是您將不會取得任何新功能。 亦不含升級至主要版本。


您的 Office 版本會持續升級。 您會取得所有最新功能和更新,以及安全性更新和錯誤修正。

在多部電腦上安裝 Office (Mac 或 PC)


PC 或 Mac 上均可安裝買斷型購買。


有了 Microsoft 365 家用版,您就可以在所有裝置上安裝 Microsoft 365 且同時登入五部裝置―這表示無論您身在何處或使用何種裝置,都可以使用 Office。 包括個人電腦、Mac、平板電腦和手機。 您也可以與最多五個其他人共用您的訂閱。



在小於 10.1 吋的平板電腦或手機上免費安裝行動裝置 App 並取得基本的編輯功能。


免費安裝行動裝置 App,然後在您的裝置上登入 Office App 即可取得額外功能





安全地將檔案儲存在雲端,隨時隨地皆可存取。 每個使用者可取得 1 TB 的 OneDrive 雲端儲存空間,可供最多 6 個使用者 (包括您自己)。 (Microsoft 365 家用版).






* Microsoft 365 訂閱僅供家用或個人使用。

office 365 破解・office 365 破解序號

Office 365 破解教學.png

Office365破解|office 365破解金鑰激活2022版是一款專業的跨平台辦公軟體套裝。


Office365破解|office 365破解金鑰激活2022版新增功能

Office Tool Plus 基於 Office Deployment Tool 打造多功能集於一身的 Office 部署工具,因此可以很輕鬆地建置 Office。

無論你是個人還是團體使用,Office Tool Plus 都是 Office 小助手。


Office Tool Plus 兼容 Win 7 以及以上系統。同時也支持多個 Office 授權版本,Office Tool Plus 附帶自動更新可以確保始終獲得最佳的體驗


Office Tool Plus 支持 Office Deployment Tool 的全部特性,允許定製 Office 配置。同時還強化了某些功能,帶來更佳的使用體驗


Office Tool Plus 除了支持 Office Deployment Tool 的特性外,還加入了許多實用、方便的功能,堪稱一站式的 Office 管理平台


Office Tool Plus 支持創建 XML 文件,因此可以使用 OTP 快速生成 XML 文件並在其他計算機上部署 Office


Office Tool Plus 始終從微軟伺服器獲取 Office 的版本信息以及離線文件,確保下載、安裝的 Office 始終爲最新版本

那麼Office365破解有沒有 Office 365 金鑰產生器呢?該如何免費取得 Office 365 文書軟體呢?

本文就教你如何使用小助手「Office Tool Plus」來取得 Office 365 破解版吧!

Office Tool Plus 是一個基於 Microsoft Office 專屬工具,你不需要金鑰產生器,就能輕鬆安裝 Office 內的所有軟體,經實際測試後,並沒有發現任何使用上問題,就讓我們來看看 Office 365 破解版教學吧!

office 365 破解・office 365免費破解完整版・安裝教程

軟件名:office 365 完整版免費下載


兼容性:window 64位/32位

如何安裝 office 365免費破解完整版


解壓文件後請看說明,按照說明來安裝 office 365免費破解完整版下載

正版購買 : office 官網

原版github : 前往下載

office 365 完整版免費下載:

載點 : https://otp.landian.vip/

office 365 破解・系統要求


處理器要求PC:1千兆赫 (Ghz) 或更快的x86或x64位處理器,採用SSE2指令集


作業系統要求PC:Windows 7或更高版本,Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2或者Windows Server 2012

Mac:Mac OS X 10.10 或更高版本 iOS:適用於 iPad 和 iPhone 的 Office 需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。

適用於 iPad Pro 的 Office 需要 iOS 9.0 或更高版本。

Android:Office for Android可以安裝在運行Android KitKat 4.4或更高版本、並且使用基於ARM或Intel x86處理器的平板電腦和電話上。

內存要求PC:1GB RAM(32位);2GB RAM(64位)



可用磁碟空間 Mac:6GB HFS+硬碟格式

顯示要求PC:1024 x 768 解析度

Mac:1280 x 800解析度

圖形屏圖形硬體加速需要DirectX 10圖形卡。



請注意,新的觸控功能已針對與Windows 8或更高版本的配合使用而進行優化。

其他系統要求非商業使用。 使用網際網路功能需要連接網際網路。




office 365 破解・office 365 破解教學

Office Tool Plus 官方網站 - 輕鬆部署 Office.png

首先,先到「Office Tool Plus」網站中下載安裝,點選「立即下載」。

系統要求:Windows 7 SP1 或者更高版本,不支援其他作業系統(例如 Linux 或 macOS)。

推薦下載内含執行階段程式庫的版本,可直接執行 Office Tool Plus。

選擇「zip/ 7z 壓縮檔 」的檔案進行下載。

下載 Office Tool Plus.jpg

下載好之後,打開Office Tool Plus 軟體,我們等等要靠上面部屬、啟用、工具箱安裝 Office 365 相關軟體。

Office Tool Plus 2.png

打開「工具箱」,並在下方選擇「解除安裝 Office」中的「開始」進行移除 Office。

Office Tool Plus 3.png


Office Tool Plus 4.png


Office Tool Plus 5.png

接著選擇「Microsoft 365 Apps 企業版 」,選擇你想要安裝的應用程式,常用的 Excel、Word、PPT 都有,選好後便可在右邊進行軟體安裝設置,全都設定好後,便可點擊上方的「開始部署」進行安裝。

Office Tool Plus 6.png

安裝後便可以將 Office Tool Plus 關閉,接著開啟電腦中的「設定」>「更新與安全性」>「Windos 安全性」>「病毒與威脅防護」。

Office Tool Plus 7.png


Office Tool Plus 8.png


Office Tool Plus 9.png

下個步驟,在 Google 瀏覽器中輸入「https://get.msguides.com/office365proplus.txt」,並把網頁中出現的所有文字複製起來。

Office Tool Plus 10.png


Office Tool Plus 11.png


Office Tool Plus 12.png


Office Tool Plus 13.png

在執行的過程中,等到最後一行出現「Would you like to visit my blog?」就代表程式已執行完成。

Office Tool Plus 14.png

最後,可以開啟「開始」中的 Office 軟體來實際測試,(office 365登入)以 Word 為例,點開後你可以看到 Word 的接受授權合約,我們只要點選下方的「接受」便可直接使用。

Office Tool Plus 15.png


想要免費的 Office 365 的朋友,趕緊參考以上的教學來取得 Office 365 破解版吧!

Office Tool Plus:https://otp.landian.vip/zh-tw/

Office Tool Plus 16.png


office 365破解金鑰・office 365免費序號金鑰・Office365永久激活金鑰最新版・Office365安裝激活教程





連結 : http://www.rjafx.com/archives/3181


1.下載運行office tool plus,選擇offic365專業增強版,需要安裝的程序,(其他選項全部默認即可)


2.安裝完畢後,重啓office365, 解壓「HEU_KMS激活工具」,使用「HEU_KMS_Activator_v24.5.0.exe」

如下工具按圖進行安裝, 首先點擊「激活Microsoft office」開始激活軟體






激活採用的是「僞Mondo方式」,啓動畫面顯示的是Office 365,激活信息里顯示的是「Office mondo 2016 」,不過沒關係,軟體本質上還是Office 365,365的所有功能都可以使用。




office 365 破解・Q&A

1.出現以下狀況怎麼辦? Office 16, Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client edition 授權描述: Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel 產品金鑰的最後5個字元: XXXXX 錯誤代碼: 0x8007000D 錯誤描述: 資料無效。 提醒: 以下為[偵測到啟用失敗]的知識庫文章: 0x8007000D —————————————————————-

答:請先確認您已完成安裝,再進行以下動作 (以Office 2019為例,路徑為Office16)。

1.找到安裝路徑(例如: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16)


3.輸入指令一 cscript “(請輸入安裝路徑)\Office16\ospp.vbs” /setprt:1688

4.輸入指令二 cscript “(請輸入安裝路徑)\Office16\ospp.vbs” /act 或者 在軟件中回到主頁面,選擇《工具箱》,然後點擊《修復office無法正常激活》

2.錯誤代碼: 0x80080005

對於0x80080005,一般是由於更新的相關服務沒有啟動所導致。 建議您首先可以查看以下服務是否啟動:

1 .點擊“ 開始”按鈕,在搜索欄中輸入services.msc ,單擊打開。

2 .找到Background Intelligent Transfer Service 這個服務,雙擊此服務,查看其服務狀態,若不是“ 已啟動” ,請先將“ 啟動類型” 選擇為“ 自動” ,點擊應用。然後再點擊“ 啟動” 按鈕。點擊確定。

Office 365是微軟2011年推出的一款訂閱版的Office版本,普通的Office 2019 是可以一次性買了永久激活的,但是Office 365版本是按照年買的,365就是365天的意思,也就是一年,所以需要經常聯網檢查激活時間,長時間不聯網會需要再次聯網才能用。不過目前好像可以使用KMS來進行激活使用,不過有時間折騰 Office 365 大家還不如去下載 Office 2019來使用,Office 2019 站長親自測可以180天的KMS循環激活授權,Microsoft Office 365 版包含 Access、Excel、powerpoint、Publisher、OneNote、Outlook、Word 等組件。

Microsoft Office 365 超省訂閱法,每日不到0.8元,別再用破解版

Office 365的方案比較,最右邊買斷的版本,是付4790可以讓一個使用者安裝在一台電腦上,且永久有效,但功能只有Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote,這方案 .

Office 365 完美破解版(附激活密鑰+激活工具)

軟件大小:3.52G軟件語言:中文軟件類別:文件處理應用平台:WinXP/Win7/Win8/Win10/Office 365是微軟2011年推出的一款訂閱版的Office版本,普通的Office 2019 是可以 ..


office破解教學2021 · Office 365 破解完整版是微軟官方推出的一款專業辦公軟件,軟件中集成了Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneDrive、OneNote、SharePoint、 ..

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冷氣推薦 窗型冷氣推薦 變頻冷氣推薦




到底怎麼樣選擇冷氣呢?一定要買日系品牌的冷氣嗎 ?!




【冷氣一定要買日系的嗎?】日本品牌貴不是沒原因 ●省電 幾乎都一級能效 其他白牌為啥便宜 攤開規格一看就知道 白牌很多與日系都得多高一、二階耗能規格才能 例如日係 2.8KW就能,白牌就要3.2~3.6KW,耗電量就往上再衝一兩級








最近想要買冷氣, 上網查了一下各家的評價 目前是鎖定日立和國際這二個牌子 以一級品牌來說,市佔前二名應該是這二個牌子了吧… 所以優先考慮這二款 另因為打算要安裝在房間,所以希望運作時聲音可以安靜一些




【日立冷氣vs國際冷氣】現在的室內機按下靜音鍵,幾乎都很難聽聞到聲音了。 我家用的是國際與大金,我覺的都滿安靜的也滿耐用的。比較久的都超過 10 年無故障。 其實我覺得應該是您看喜歡那些功能,再選品牌機型。

【日立冷氣vs國際冷氣】冷暖變頻 三菱電機(GR系列) 日立(尊榮系列) FUJITSU(富士通系列)






【日立冷氣vs大金冷氣】兩家在台灣都一線廠牌,品質應該都有一定水準 預算如果還算充足,建議可以以高階系列下去選擇(日立 R32尊榮/頂級 ,大金 橫綱) 以你爸媽的省電取向看,台灣的機種來說,兩家對比,日立高階的CSPF較高 壓縮機部分其實沒那麼容易壞,高階款式也都不會太吵 產地部分看個人喜好,心理成分比較大,實際用起來感受度較不明顯 保固跟後勤部分台灣來說這兩家應該是日立各方面會稍微有些優勢 兩家在板上也都有大大分享一些情況(酸臭、異音、風切聲大、雲端不好用等等) 可以參考,也不用全信跟太在意,畢竟網路資訊挖鼻孔 而且還有很重要的安裝部分,好的安裝可以避免掉很多狀況,不好的安裝沒問題都會出問題


【日立冷氣vs大金冷氣】三菱電機的easy clean結構鬆散容易衍生熱漲冷縮音, 夜間會擾眠確實不適合安裝在房間, 安裝在客廳倒是比較無所謂。


【日立冷氣vs大金冷氣】日立跟大金都滿優的... 自己房間是裝日立 用了20年 沒修過 蠻冷的 而且也算安靜


【日立冷氣vs大金冷氣】我現在的經驗, 三間房子 (透天x2, 大樓x1), 冷氣共裝了約20台 牌子有:日立, 國際, 富士通, 大金 (皆為分離式冷暖變頻一級) 我自己的使用經驗, 要我選優先順序的話, 大金>富士通>日立>國際






如果都是高階冷氣, 省電這件事情.... 整年給你省下的電, 比你去吃火鍋還要少。 我也算是買高階冷氣, 整年吹下來其實也差不多省下200多元,吹10年大約3000元。 一年200多元,真的填牙縫都不夠。 不要開開關關才是重點, 現在高階冷氣, 出門一小時買食物, 我都不關冷氣, 因為壓縮機開開關關最耗電 (老一輩的父母不懂的地方, 都覺得不用時關掉最省電) 所以其實省電程度都是差不多的, 品牌名氣就看個人, 電器用品買了自己爽就好。 其他人的意見不重要。 萬物不變的道理, 只要是人製造出來的東西都會壞, 而且都有買到 " 機王" 的機率。 保固久一點, 不要買冷門機型,都是避雷的好辦法。


  • 一級能效變頻機種:這不用多說最直觀就是省電省錢,更大方向看就是減少老舊電器不必要的耗電,畢竟現在電力...
  • 選冷暖機種好過冷專:這幾年極端氣候非常明顯,冬季強烈寒流下暖氣有其必要性
  • 有機內自主潔淨功能:可降低機內髒污累積程度搭配定期清潔讓吹出空調更乾淨
  • 空調主動淨化功能:在疫情後不少空調品牌都特別重視室內空氣潔淨,有些會推出搭載負離子、nanoe、閃流放電等主動淨化功能,過去會覺得這功能不太重要,但疫後生活加上有科研單位實證,這個功能我覺得有的話是加分。
  • 服務據點是否充足:空調到消費者家中都是半成品,安裝的技術成熟度與後續維修單位扮演相當重要的角色,建議選服務據點離你家近、服務點也多的,後續需要清潔保養維修都比較容易。


LG 目前是 APP 做最好的,跟他們旗下家電整合度也很好。 主要推薦他們家 DUALCOOL WiFi雙迴轉變頻空調, 有搭載PM1.0感測器、負離子產生器、可偵測環境空氣品質與產生負離子並吸附空氣中的細小灰塵,同時蒸發器有自體乾燥跟UV Nano紫外線消毒殺菌。




Panasonic今年主要訴求「開機全室防疫、關機全機防霉」,除了之前溝通的三重超淨化外更主打 nanoe X 與 nanoe-G 技術雙重作用,可以主動分解室內空氣中的有害物質,並且將 PM 2.5 汙染物帶回空調中的濾網過濾;關機時持續釋放 nanoe 至機體內,來抑制機內 99% 黴菌發生。 今年新一代 nanoeX 技術,將 nanoe 濃度提升 100 倍,每秒可釋放 48 兆氫氧離子(前一代為 4.8 兆),藉由濃度提升,可以更快有效抑制病毒、PM2.5、黴菌等汙染,同時也是經過實驗室認證針對新型冠狀病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) 具有抑制效果。






三菱電機目前最新的應該是靜音大師GT、HT款 優點是DBC奈米複合塗層、EASY CLEAN易清設計清潔內機比較方便一點 但PM2.5濾網、跟高效電漿淨化裝置都要另外選購,有點可惜。


三菱重工受益於品牌技術背景,開發出有如噴射渦輪引擎般的室內機風扇, 主打低耗電產生高速強勁氣流;搭配獨特出風口設計,送風距離最長可達17米 炫風模式下可以15分鐘大功率強力運轉,迅速達到身體最適冷暖房溫度。 但近年空調品牌都有意識『機內自主清潔』的必要性,部分品牌尚未跟上目前最新趨勢稍嫌可惜。




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英文標點 標點符號英文

英文標點只認識逗點和句點?跟外國朋友或客戶接觸時,每次要給提供外國朋友自己的 email 卻不知道怎麼用英文唸?


常見的如小老鼠「@」和井字號「#」、https:// 常見的網址開頭,到底要怎麼用英文表達呢?


(  等符號,是不是都只會用不會說呢!快來把這些實用的標點符號英文通通筆記起來 :)

這篇整理就幫你整理好各種標點符號唸法, 快來把這些實用的標點符號英文通通筆記起來!





= is equal to 等於號

≠ is not equal to 不等於號

≡ is equivalent to 全等於號

≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等於或約等於號

≈ is approximately equal to 約等於號

< is less than 小於號

> is greater than 大於號

≮ is not less than 不小於號

≯ is not more than 不大於號

≤ is less than or equal to 小於或等於號

≥ is more than or equal to 大於或等於號

%  per cent 百分之… ‰ per mill 千分之…

∞ infinity 無限大號

∝ varies as 與…成比例

√ (square) root 平方根

∵ since; because 因為

∴ hence 所以

∷ equals, as (proportion) 等於,成比例

∠ angle 角

⌒ semicircle 半圓

⊙ circle 圓

○ circumference 圓周

π pi 圓周率

△ triangle 三角形

⊥ perpendicular to 垂直於

∪ union of 並,合集

∩ intersection of 交,通集

∫ the integral of …的積分

∑ (sigma) summation of 總和

° degree 度

′ minute 分

″ second 秒

℃  Celsius system 攝氏度

{ open brace, open curly 左花括號

} close brace, close curly 右花括號

( open parenthesis, open paren 左圓括號

) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號

()  brackets / parentheses 括號

[ open bracket 左方括號

] close bracket 右方括號

[]  square brackets 方括號

. period, dot 句號,點

| vertical bar, vertical virgule 豎線

& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用

* asterisk 星號

/ slash 斜線

// double slash 雙斜線

# pound 井號

\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉義符,有時表示轉義符或續行符

~ tilde 波浪符

. full stop 句號

, comma 逗號

: colon 冒號

; semicolon 分號

? question mark 問號

! exclamation mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)

' apostrophe 撇號

- hyphen 連字號

--   dash 破折號

...  dots/ ellipsis 省略號

" single quotation marks 單引號

""   double quotation marks 雙引號

‖    parallel 雙線號

&   ampersand

= and

~ swung dash 代字號

§ section

; division 分節號

→ arrow 箭號


網路常用符號英文唸法 @ 讀作 at 這就是我們常說的「小老鼠」,千萬不要說成 little mouse!

# 讀作 hashtag 或 number 中文稱作井字號,有兩種常見的使用方式: 在社群網路上加標籤時,這時井字號就叫 hashtag,比如 #selfie 就可以讀作 hashtag selfie。

我們也常常會看見 #1、#2 等等,此時井字號表示數字,讀作 number one/two。 / 讀作 slash 中文稱作斜線,而網址上常看到的 https:// 中的 // 就讀作 double slash。

另外當在表示多重身分、條件時,slash 也十分常見。在 The Intern 中小安對班傑明也用了 slash!一起來看看怎麼用:

~ 讀作 tilde /ˈtɪldə/ 中文稱為波浪號,點這邊可以聽真人發音。

– 讀作 hyphen 中文稱作連字號,通常用於兩個單字結合時,也就是複合字,跟破折號不同。

My brother is a five-year old boy. 我弟弟是一個五歲大的男孩 — 讀作 dash 中文稱為破折號,表示語意的轉變、聲音的延續、時空的起止或用來加強解釋。

He started his restaurant for one reason—money. 他開餐廳只有一個原因──錢。

值得注意的是,hyphen 和 dash 就同上面所說,使用上有一些不一樣,但是其實我們在告訴別人網址或 email 時,雖然其實是 hyphen,但是常常會說成 dash。 _ 讀作 underline 中文稱為底線,underline 動名詞同形。

. 讀作 dot 用在網址時讀作 dot,然而值得注意的是,作為句點時使用時,則應該說 full stop 或是 period。

& 讀作 ampersand /ˈæmpɚˌsænd/ 或 and

* 讀作 asterisk /ˈæstəˌrɪsk/

, 讀作 comma /ˈkɑmə/ 中文稱為逗號。

’ 讀作 apostrophe /əˈpɑstrəfi/ 中文稱為撇號。


錯誤示範:Hey there!How’s it going?


錯誤示範1:"I hope I find someone like Alex,"Felipa said wistfully.

錯誤示範2:We’ve been away for a long time.And so we’re anxious to get home again .



👎 (例句)Y若要問對方的電子郵件,可用 What's your e-mail address? 而詢問是否有大小寫之分,英文則用 Is it case sensitive? 大寫 capital letter / upper case 小寫 small letter / lower case 單個的 single 連續兩個的 double 連續三個的 triple 例如: Laurence : What' s your email address ? Is it case sensitive ? Christine : It' s ManagerToday222@gmail.com . (唸法:It' s capital M, small a-n-a-g-e-r, capital T, small o-d-a-y, triple two at gmail dot com.) 





👎 (例句)I hate green pepper, broccoli and carrot. 我討厭青椒、花椰菜和紅蘿蔔。

連接兩個子句。 在英文中,若是出現如and, but, so, for, nor, yet等等的連接詞,則需要用逗號來分隔句子,以利讀者閱讀。

👎 (例句)He overslept this morning, so he missed the bus. 因為他早上睡過頭,所以他錯過了這班公車。



在英文中,若是出現如because, before, although, however等等的從屬連接詞,則需要用逗號來分隔句子,以利讀者閱讀。

👎 (例句)Although he overslept this morning, he still caught the bus. 雖然他早上睡過頭了,但他還是搭到了公車。



例句: My mom said to me, “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.” 媽媽告誡我:「今日事,今日畢。」


例句: My mom said I should take care of myself. 我媽媽告訴我說我應該照顧好自己。


🔹「.」句號(period) 用於結束一段句子時。 例句: I will always love you. 我會一直愛著你。 用於縮寫時 例如Mr.(先生)、Doc.(醫生)、 vs.(對決)等等。


🔹「;」分號(semicolon) 主要用來連結兩個獨立,但意義又緊密的句子,但這種時候就不能再加入連接詞。

例句: Emma goes to bed early and wakes up early; she wants to live a healthy life. Emma早睡早起;她想要維持身體健康。


例如therefore, thus, however, nevertheless, furthermore, moreover, in other words, in addition, in fact, in contrast, in summary等等,來區隔兩個句子。

例句: We have not yet won; however, we shall try again. 我們沒有獲勝,但我們仍應該再嘗試。

「!」驚嘆號(exclamation mark) 用法和中文非常相近,就是放在感嘆或是驚訝的語句之後。

例句: I’m excited about the coming holiday because I’m going on a date with Eason! 我好期待下一個連續假期,因為我要和Eason約會了。


🔹「?」問號(question mark) 同樣用法與中文很接近,可以用在表示疑問的語句之後。

例句: Do you really think Tom will make it? 你真的認為 Tom 會成功嗎? 「

:」冒號(colon) 用於介紹或解釋後方提及的內容,或是名單列表之前。 例句: This is what he wants: a fancy car. 這就是他想要的:一台名車。


例句: My boyfriend said: “It was horrible.” 我的男朋友說:「這真的太恐怖了。」

「”」雙引號、「’」單引號(quotation marks) 事實上這兩種的用法一模一樣,差別只在美式英文會使用「雙引號」而英式英文會使用「單引號」,如果引號裡還有引號的話,就每層交替使用單、雙引號。

實際用法如下: 用於主副標題之間。

例子: The Physics of Christmas: From the Aerodynamics of Reindeer to the Thermodynamics of Turkey.



例句: “Fine!” my mom said to me, “don’t do that again.” 我媽媽對我說 :「好吧。下次別再這樣了。」 用以表示要強調的詞語。

例句: The word I’m teaching today is “steak”. 我今天要教的詞是「牛排」。


例句: This is what I “love” about him. 這就是我「喜歡」他的地方(實際上是在講令人討厭之處)。


例句: What do you think of “Game Of Thrones”? 你認為《權力遊戲》這部作品怎麼樣?


例句: “The teacher told a joke in class. He asked, ‘can anyone here prove that the Earth is round?’ When nobody could answer his question, a boy raised his hand and directed the question back at the teacher, who then said, ‘I can’t. I never said it was.’ We all laughed,” my friend told me. (美式) ‘The teacher told a joke in class. He asked, “can anyone here prove that the Earth is round?” When nobody could answer is question, a boy raised his hand and directed the question back at the teacher, who then said, ‘I can’t. I never said it was.’ We all laughed,” my friend told me.(英式) 「老師在課堂中講了一個笑話,他問:『在場有任何人能夠證明地球是圓的嗎?』沒有任何人可以回答他的問題,這時一個男生舉起手來把問題丟回給老師,老師就說:『我沒辦法證明,又不是我說它是圓的。』我們大家都笑了。」我的朋友告訴我。



圖文:網路 原文



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